ORG 100h
LEA SI, msg ; load address of msg to SI.
CALL print_me
RET ; return to operating system.
; ==========================================================
; this procedure prints a string, the string should be null
; terminated (have zero in the end),
; the string address should be in SI register:
print_me PROC
CMP b.[SI], 0 ; check for zero to stop
JE stop ;
MOV AL, [SI] ; next get ASCII char.
MOV AH, 0Eh ; teletype function number.
INT 10h ; using interrupt to print a char in AL.
ADD SI, 1 ; advance index of string array.
JMP next_char ; go back, and type another char.
RET ; return to caller.
print_me ENDP
; ==========================================================
msg DB 'Hello World!', 0 ; null terminated string.
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