org 100h
melon dw 1234
banana dw 2323
carot dw 1203
apple dw 3456
;tambak, kali, bagi, kurang
int 20h
; this sample prints 16x16 color map,
; it uses all possible colors.
name "colors"
org 100h
; set video mode:
; text mode. 80x25. 16 colors. 8 pages.
mov ax, 3
int 10h
; blinking disabled for compatibility with dos,
; emulator and windows prompt do not blink anyway.
mov ax, 1003h
mov bx, 0 ; disable blinking.
int 10h
mov dl, 0 ; current column.
mov dh, 0 ; current row.
mov bl, 0 ; current attributes.
jmp next_char
inc dh
cmp dh, 16
je stop_print
mov dl, 0
; set cursor position at (dl,dh):
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
mov al, ' '
mov bh, 0
mov cx, 1
mov ah, 09h
int 10h
inc bl ; next attributes.
inc dl
cmp dl, 16
je next_row
jmp next_char
; set cursor position at (dl,dh):
mov dl, 10 ; column.
mov dh, 5 ; row.
mov ah, 02h
int 10h
; test of teletype output,
; it uses color attributes
; at current cursor position:
mov al, ' '
mov ah, 0eh
int 10h
; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h
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